The Snow Lay Deep on the Ground
Saturday, December 16, 2017 – 7:30 pm
Sunday, December 17, 2017 – 3:00 pm
Celebrate the holidays with a festive concert of music for organ, brass, and choir. Featured works include motets by Renaissance masters Orlando di Lasso and Jean Mouton; Welsh composer Paul Mealor’s ethereal “Ave Maria” for eight-part choir a cappella; English composer Sir Charles Stanford’s tuneful “Magnificat in G” for choir, soprano soloist and organ; and larger scaled works for brass and choir by Giovanni Gabrieli, Leo Nestor, Julian Wachner, and award-winning American composer, Nico Muhly, the youngest composer ever to be commissioned to compose for the New York Metropolitan Opera.
The second half of the program will include lush, romantic music of English composer Will Todd, a guest appearance by the North Medford High School Chamber Choir, and sacred and secular carols from around the world.